Top : H&M
Jacket : GAP
Jeans : Topshop
Slip Ons : Vans
Necklace : H&M
It's been a while! I've had the most intense last month with university work - my final major project very nearly killed me with stress... But now that's over with, I can happily say I have free time again! I'm hoping that over the next few weeks and months I can start to get back into a routine of photos and posts, and get my blog back on form.
The next couple of months are looking full of flat hunting, job searching and moving out of my last ever university house. Scary. I can't wrap my head around the fact that I've been at university for four whole years, and it's over already. Seems like only yesterday I was a little 18 year old fresher, hating every minute of being forcibly sociable. Four years later and I'm graduating as a completely different person with a completely different outlook on life. University definitely changes you as a person. Not only through the responsibility of managing your own time, projects and life, but also the people you meet. I feel like I've grown up and that I might even (almost) class myself as an adult. (She says, whilst sat in bed munching through half a packet of digestives.)
So, here's to the next chapter!