Wednesday, 22 April 2015

What I Wore :

Top : Monki
Jeans : ASOS
Sandals : Birkenstock

I'm baaack. 

It's been a while hasn't it! I've spent today readjusting to the art of taking a selfie. Also sunning in the garden and getting some serious freckles. So here's a photo of how blue the sky is today - apparently it's going to snow next Tuesday?!? Bizarre.

I'm not quite ready to give up my boots and coats though, and I'm definitely not summer ready. Plus I still have way too much uni work for it to be beer garden weather just yet!

Monday, 13 April 2015

Embroidery :

So, this is a bit different to my usual posts! I've been at home for my last ever Easter holidays from uni (scary) and during that time I've been without an appropriate wall to take outfit photos. I had a few planned before I came home but they've all been posted already! Eager beaver right here. 

That being said, I'd like to introduce a new concept to my blog. Over the last three weeks I've found myself a hobby that I have been spending faaar too much time on when I should be writing marketing reports... It was my new year's resolution to find a hobby that I could stick to and enjoy, and I think I've done pretty well for that! 

I think it's pretty obvious from the following photos what this hobby is... I kept seeing these beautiful hand designed embroideries on Instagram, hung amongst framed photos and cacti, and that's exactly what I wanted to create! So I spent a few days doodling and drawing out things and then had my first ever attempt... I'm actually pretty proud of the result, and I've even started my own Etsy shop with a few of my designs!

You can check out my little shop here, if you'd so like! 

I'd like to introduce my designs to my blog to run alongside my outfit posts, so I might make this type of post a weekly thing to share what I've been up to...

Wednesday, 8 April 2015

What I Wore :

Top : Urban Outfitters
Jeans : Primark
Boots : Vagabond

So, this is the last post I had scheduled whilst being at home.(There's a serious lack of white walls in my house!) Once I get back to uni, I'll be posting far more regularly! I hope. If uni work doesn't get in the way. I still have a couple of Inspired posts and maybe even something new to blog about... Thank you guys for sticking with me over the last couple of weeks, I read - and reread - all your comments and appreciate you taking the time to read each post so, so much!

This is just a standard everyday outfit that I wear far too often. These boots are the absolute bees knees. I got them in the Vagabond sale a couple of years ago for about a tenth of the price they should have been. Bargain queen of the footwear world right here! I love how Coachella-esque they look and how everytime I put them on, I can pretend that it's summer and I'm off to a festival...